Swiggy Raises Platform Fee on Food Delivery Orders What You Need to Know

Strike Disrupts Swiggy Services in Mumbai as Executives Demand Higher Pay A strike that commenced on October 8, following a call given by the Rashtriya Karmchari Sena, has disrupted food and grocery delivery services in Mumbai, particularly impacting Swiggy. Users of the popular delivery platform have taken to social media, notably X (formerly Twitter), to report the disruptions they are experiencing. The strike has been called by executives who are demanding higher pay, shedding light on the ongoing labor-related challenges faced by the gig economy in India.

Service Disruption Reported by Users

Numerous Swiggy users have expressed their frustration on social media platforms like X, reporting the disruption in food and grocery delivery services in Mumbai. The strike has led to delays and cancellations of orders, affecting the convenience that users have come to expect from such services. These reports underscore the impact of the strike on both consumers and the delivery platform itself.

Executives Demand Higher Pay

The strike has been initiated by executives working for Swiggy who are demanding higher pay. This action highlights the larger issue of compensation and labor conditions in the gig economy, where workers often face challenges related to pay, benefits, and job security. The executives’ demands for improved compensation reflect their desire for fair wages and better working conditions.

Challenges in the Gig Economy

The gig economy in India has been marked by ongoing labor-related challenges, with workers across various platforms, including food delivery and ride-sharing, frequently advocating for improved pay and working conditions. These challenges have drawn attention to issues such as worker classification, job security, and benefits, prompting discussions about labor rights in the gig economy.


The strike disrupting Swiggy services in Mumbai and the demands for higher pay by executives shed light on the labor-related challenges that continue to affect the gig economy in India. The disruption serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing worker compensation and working conditions within the gig economy to ensure fair treatment and sustainable livelihoods for workers. As discussions surrounding labor rights in the gig economy continue, it remains crucial for platforms and authorities to find solutions that benefit both workers and the companies that rely on their services.

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